Mobile Banking Terms and Conditions

Thank you for using Carolina Federal Credit Union Mobile Banking combined with your handheld’s text messaging capabilities. Message & Data rates may apply. For help, text “HELP” to 71806. To cancel, text “STOP” to 71806 at anytime. In case of questions please contact customer service at 800- 378-1955 or visit Terms and Conditions Program: Carolina Federal Credit Union offers their customers mobile access to their account information (e.g., for checking balances and last transactions) over SMS, as well as the option to set up alerts for their accounts (e.g., low balance alerts). Enrollment requires identification of the user’s banking relationship as well as providing a mobile phone number. The mobile phone number’s verification is done by the user receiving an SMS message with a verification code which they will have to enter on the website. Additionally, customers may select the type of alerts and other preferences which will determine, together with their account data, the frequency of alerts delivered to the customer. This program will be ongoing. Message & Data rates may apply. Customers will be allowed to opt out of this program at any time. Questions: You can contact us at 800- 378-1955 or send a text message with the word “HELP” to this number: 71806. We can answer any questions you have about the program. To Stop the program: To stop the messages from coming to your phone, you can opt out of the program via SMS. Just send a text that says “STOP” to this number: 71806. You’ll receive a one-time opt-out confirmation text message. After that, you will not receive any future messages. Terms & Conditions: By participating in Mobile Banking, you are agreeing to the terms and conditions presented here. Our participating carriers include (but are not limited to) AT&T, SprintPCS, T-Mobile®, U.S. Cellular®, Verizon Wireless Mobile Banking and any software you may obtain from Mobile Banking (“Software”) may not be available at anytime for any reason outside of the reasonable control of Carolina Federal Credit Union or any service provider. Privacy and User Information. You acknowledge that in connection with your use of Mobile Banking, Carolina Federal Credit Union and its affiliates and service providers, including Fiserv, Inc. and its affiliates, may receive and may share with one another names, domain names, addresses, passwords, telephone and device numbers, the content of messages, data files and other data and information provided by you or from other sources in connection with Mobile Banking or the Software (collectively “User Information”). Carolina Federal Credit Union and its affiliates and service providers will maintain reasonable safeguards to protect the information from unauthorized disclosure or use, but reserve the right to use and disclose this information as reasonably necessary to deliver Mobile Banking and as otherwise permitted by law, including compliance with court orders or lawful instructions from a government agency, to protect the personal safety of subscribers or the public, to defend claims, and as otherwise authorized by you. Carolina Federal Credit Union and its affiliates and service providers also reserve the right to monitor use of Mobile Banking and the Software for purposes of verifying compliance with the law, these terms and conditions and any applicable license, but disclaim any obligation to monitor, filter, or edit any content. Restrictions on Use. You agree not to use Mobile Banking or the Software in or for any illegal, fraudulent, unauthorized or improper manner or purpose and will only be used in compliance with all applicable laws, rules and regulations, including all applicable state, federal, and international Internet, data, telecommunications, telemarketing, “spam,” and import/export laws and regulations, including the U.S. Export Administration Regulations. Without limiting the foregoing, you agree that you will not use Mobile Banking or the Software to transmit or disseminate: (i) junk mail, spam, or unsolicited material to persons or entities that have not agreed to receive such material or to whom you do not otherwise have a legal right to send such material; (ii) material that infringes or violates any third party’s intellectual property rights, rights of publicity, privacy, or confidentiality, or the rights or legal obligations of any wireless service provider or any of its clients or subscribers; (iii) material or data, that is illegal, or material or data, as determined by Carolina Federal Credit Union (in its sole discretion), that is harassing, coercive, defamatory, libelous, abusive, threatening, obscene, or otherwise objectionable, materials that are harmful to minors or excessive in quantity, or materials the transmission of which could diminish or harm the reputation of Carolina Federal Credit Union or any third-party service provider involved in the provision of Mobile Banking; (iv) material or data that is alcoholic beverage-related (e.g., beer, wine, or liquor), tobacco-related (e.g., cigarettes, cigars, pipes, chewing tobacco), guns or weapons-related (e.g., firearms, bullets), illegal drugs-related (e.g., marijuana, cocaine), pornographic-related (e.g., adult themes, sexual content), crime-related (e.g., organized crime, notorious characters), violence-related (e.g., violent games), death-related (e.g., funeral homes, mortuaries), hate-related (e.g. racist organizations), gambling-related (e.g., casinos, lotteries), specifically mentions any wireless carrier or copies or parodies the products or services of any wireless carrier; (v) viruses, Trojan horses, worms, time bombs, cancelbots, or other computer programming routines that are intended to damage, detrimentally interfere with, surreptitiously intercept or expropriate any system, data, or personal information; (vi) any material or information that is false, misleading, or inaccurate; (vii) any material that would expose Carolina Federal Credit Union, any third-party service provider involved in providing Mobile Banking, or any other third party to liability; or (viii) any signal or impulse that could cause electrical, magnetic, optical, or other technical harm to the equipment or facilities of Fiserv or any third party. You agree that you will not attempt to: (a) access any software or services for which your use has not been authorized; or (b) use or attempt to use a third party’s account; or (c) interfere in any manner with the provision of Mobile Banking or the Software, the security of Mobile Banking or the Software, or other customers of Mobile Banking or the Software; or (d) otherwise abuse Mobile Banking or the Software. Use of Google Maps: You agree to abide by the Google terms and conditions of use found at and the Google Legal Notices found at notices_maps.html, or other URLs as may be updated by Google. Touch ID™ for Mobile Banking. Touch ID is an optional fingerprint sign-in method for Carolina Federal Credit Union Mobile Banking that is currently available for most Apple® devices that have a fingerprint scanner. To use Touch ID, you will need to save your fingerprint by going to “Settings > Touch ID & Passcode” on your Apple device to complete the setup (for more help with fingerprint scanning, contact Apple support at Fingerprints are stored on your device only and Carolina Federal Credit Union never sees or stores your fingerprint information. You acknowledge that by enabling Touch ID, you will allow anyone who has a fingerprint stored on your device access to your personal and payment account information within Carolina Federal Credit Union Mobile Banking. Carolina Federal Credit Union reserves the right to suspend or disable this feature at any time. Touch ID can only be associated with one Mobile Banking username at a time on a device. If your device doesn’t recognize your fingerprint, you can sign in using your password. To use Touch ID for Mobile Banking on multiple devices, you will need to set it up for each device. You can enable or disable Touch ID anytime from the Services menu within Carolina Federal Credit Union Mobile Banking. Apple and Touch ID are trademarks of Apple Inc. Currently, fingerprint sign-in for Carolina Federal Credit Union Mobile Banking is only available on compatible iOS devices. Card Controls Additional Terms. The following supplemental Terms of Use (“Supplement”) applies to the card controls feature (“Card Controls”) within the Mobile Banking mobile application (“Mobile Banking App”), notwithstanding anything in the Agreement to the contrary. The Supplement only applies to Card Controls. If Card Controls are not available to you, then this Supplement does not apply. To the extent there is any conflict between the terms of the Agreement and this Supplement with respect to Card Controls, then the terms in this Supplement shall apply. 1. The Card Controls feature is only available for debit cards issued by Carolina Federal Credit Union that you register within the Mobile Banking App. 2. The Card Controls alerts and controls you set through use of the Mobile Banking App may continue to apply, even if you delete the Mobile Banking App or remove it from your mobile device. Please contact Carolina Federal Credit Union to discontinue the alerts and controls. 3. Certain Card Control functionality within the Mobile Banking App may not be available for all transactions. Controls and alerts based on the location of the mobile device where the Mobile Banking App is installed or the location of the merchant where the card is being attempted for use may not apply appropriately to card-not-present transactions or transactions where the actual location of the merchant differs from the merchant’s registered address. 4. Card Controls may enable access to Carolina Federal Credit Union and third parties’ services and web sites, including GPS locator websites, such as Google’s. Use of such services may require Internet access and that you accept additional terms and conditions applicable thereto. 5. To the extent this Mobile Banking App allows you to access third party services, Carolina Federal Credit Union, and those third parties, as applicable, reserve the right to change, suspend, remove, or disable access to any of those services at any time without notice. In no event will we be liable for the removal of or disabling of access to any such services. We may also impose limits on the use of or access to certain services, in any case and without notice or liability. 6. THE MOBILE BANKING APP, THE SERVICES AND RELATED DOCUMENTATION ARE PROVIDED “AS IS” WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EITHER EXPRESSED OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF TITLE, MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE, AND NON- INFRINGEMENT. IN PARTICULAR, WE DO NOT GUARANTEE CONTINUOUS, UNINTERRUPTED OR SECURE ACCESS TO ANY PART OF OUR SERVICE, AND OPERATION OF THE MOBILE BANKING APP OR THE SERVICES MAY BE INTERFERED WITH BY NUMEROUS FACTORS OUTSIDE OF OUR CONTROL. SOME STATES DO NOT ALLOW THE DISCLAIMER OF CERTAIN IMPLIED WARRANTIES, SO THE FOREGOING DISCLAIMERS MAY NOT APPLY TO YOU TO THE EXTENT THEY ARE PROHIBITED BY STATE LAW. 7. Limitation of Liability. YOU ACKNOWLEDGE AND AGREE THAT FROM TIME TO TIME, THE MOBILE BANKING APP AND THE SERVICES MAY BE DELAYED, INTERRUPTED OR DISRUPTED FOR AN INDETERMINATE AMOUNT OF TIME DUE TO CIRCUMSTANCES BEYOND OUR REASONABLE CONTROL, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO ANY INTERRUPTION, DISRUPTION OR FAILURE IN THE PROVISION OF THE SERVICES, WHETHER CAUSED BY STRIKES, POWER FAILURES, EQUIPMENT MALFUNCTIONS, INTERNET DISRUPTION OR OTHER REASONS. IN NO EVENT SHALL WE OR OUR AFFILIATES OR LICENSORS OR CONTRACTORS OR THE EMPLOYEES OR CONTRACTORS OF ANY OF THESE, BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM ARISING FROM OR RELATED TO THE SERVICES THAT IS CAUSED BY OR ARISES OUT OF ANY SUCH DELAY, INTERRUPTION, DISRUPTION OR SIMILAR FAILURE. IN NO EVENT SHALL WE OR OUR AFFILIATES OR LICENSORS OR CONTRACTORS OR THE EMPLOYEES OR CONTRACTORS OF ANY OF THESE, BE LIABLE FOR ANY INDIRECT, SPECIAL, INCIDENTAL, CONSEQUENTIAL, PUNITIVE OR EXEMPLARY DAMAGES, OR LOSS OF GOODWILL OR LOST PROFITS (EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY THEREOF) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE INSTALLATION, USE, OR MAINTENANCE OF THE MOBILE BANKING APP, OR THE SERVICES, OR THE WEBSITES THROUGH WHICH THE MOBILE BANKING APP OR THE SERVICE OFFERED, EVEN IF SUCH DAMAGES WERE REASONABLY FORESEEABLE AND NOTICE WAS GIVEN REGARDING THEM. IN NO EVENT SHALL WE OR OUR AFFILIATES OR LICENSORS OR CONTRACTORS OR THE EMPLOYEES OR CONTRACTORS OF ANY OF THESE BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, ARISING FROM OR RELATED TO THE MOBILE BANKING APP, THE SERVICES OR THE WEBSITE THROUGH WHICH THE APP OR THE SERVICES IS OFFERED, THAT YOU DO NOT STATE IN WRITING IN A COMPLAINT FILED IN A COURT OR ARBITRATION PROCEEDING WITHIN TWO (2) YEARS OF THE DATE THAT THE EVENT GIVING RISE TO THE CLAIM OCCURRED. THESE LIMITATIONS WILL APPLY TO ALL CAUSES OF ACTION, WHETHER ARISING FROM BREACH OF CONTRACT, TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE) OR ANY OTHER LEGAL THEORY. OUR AGGREGATE LIABILITY, AND THE AGGREGATE LIABILITY OF OUR AFFILIATES AND LICENSORS AND CONTRACTORS AND THE EMPLOYEES AND CONTRACTORS OF EACH OF THESE, TO YOU AND ANY THIRD PARTY FOR ANY AND ALL CLAIMS OR OBLIGATIONS RELATING TO THIS AGREEMENT SHALL BE LIMITED TO DIRECT OUT OF POCKET DAMAGES UP TO A MAXIMUM OF $500 (FIVE HUNDRED DOLLARS). SOME STATES DO NOT ALLOW THE EXCLUSION OR LIMITATION OF INCIDENTAL OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES SO THE ABOVE LIMITATION OR EXCLUSION MAY NOT APPLY TO YOU. 8. Unless our account agreement with you states otherwise, this Agreement shall be governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of the State in which you reside, without regard to its conflicts of laws provisions. To the extent that the terms of this Agreement conflict with applicable state or federal law, such state or federal law shall replace such conflicting terms only to the extent required by law. Unless expressly stated otherwise, all other terms of this Agreement shall remain in full force and effect. Carolina Federal Credit Union Alerts Terms and Conditions The following Alerts terms and conditions (“Alerts Terms of Use”) only apply to the Alerts feature (as defined below). If Alerts are not available to you, then this Alerts Terms of Use does not apply. To the extent there is any conflict between the terms of the Agreement and this Alerts Terms of Use with respect to Alerts, then the terms in this Alerts Terms of Use shall apply. Alerts. Your enrollment in Carolina Federal Credit Union Online Banking and/or Mobile Banking (the “Service”) includes enrollment to receive transaction alerts and notifications (“Alerts”). Alerts are electronic notices from us that contain transactional information about your Carolina Federal Credit Union account(s). Alerts are provided within the following categories: • Mandatory Alerts provide you with important account notifications, such as information about changes to your Online Banking password, PIN, or login information. You do not have the option to suppress these Mandatory Alerts. • Account Alerts provide you with notification of important account activities or when certain changes are made to your Service accounts. These Alerts are automatically activated for you. Although you may suppress these Account Alerts, we strongly recommend that you do not do so because they provide important information related to your Service accounts. • Additional Alerts must be activated by you to be enabled. These Additional Alerts can be accessed from the More menu within Carolina Federal Credit Union Mobile Banking. Account Alerts and Additional Alerts must be managed and/or added online through the Service. You cannot maintain all Alerts through your mobile device. We may add new Alerts from time to time, or cancel old Alerts. We usually notify you when we cancel Alerts, but are not obligated to do so. Carolina Federal Credit Union reserves the right to terminate its Alerts service at any time without prior notice to you. Methods of Delivery. We may provide Alerts through one or more channels (“EndPoints”): (a) a mobile device, by text message; (b) a mobile device, by push notification; (c) an email account, by an e-mail message; or (d) your Carolina Federal Credit Union Online Banking message in-box, by an e-mail message. You agree to receive Alerts through these EndPoints, and it is your responsibility to determine that each of the service providers for the EndPoints described in (a) through (c) above supports the email, push notification, and text message Alerts provided through the Alerts service. Please be advised that text or data charges or rates may be imposed by your EndPoint service provider. Alert frequency varies by account and preferences. You agree to provide us a valid mobile phone number or email address so that we may send you Alerts. If your email address or your mobile device’s number changes, you are responsible for informing us of that change. Your Alerts will be updated to reflect the changes that you communicate to us with regard to your primary and secondary email addresses or mobile device number. Alerts via Text Message. To stop Alerts via text message, text “STOP” to 71806 at any time. Alerts sent to your primary email address will be unaffected by this action. To restore Alerts on your mobile phone, just visit the Alerts tab in Carolina Federal Credit Union Online Banking and click the box next to your mobile number for the Alerts you’d like to receive again. For help with SMS text alerts, text “HELP” to 71806. In case of questions please contact customer service at 1-800-378-1955. Our participating carriers include (but are not limited to) AT&T, SprintPCS, T-Mobile®, U.S. Cellular®, Verizon Wireless, MetroPCS. Limitations. Carolina Federal Credit Union provides Alerts as a convenience to you for information purposes only. An Alert does not constitute a bank record for the deposit or credit account to which it pertains. We strive to provide Alerts in a timely manner with accurate information. However, you acknowledge and agree that your receipt of any Alerts may be delayed or prevented by factor(s) affecting your mobile phone service provider, internet service provider(s) and other factors outside Carolina Federal Credit Union’s control. We neither guarantee the delivery nor the accuracy of the contents of each Alert. You agree to not hold Carolina Federal Credit Union, its directors, officers, employees, agents and service providers liable for losses or damages, including attorneys’ fees, that may arise, directly or indirectly, in whole or in part, from (a) a non-delivery, delayed delivery, or the misdirected delivery of an Alert; (b) inaccurate or incomplete content in an Alert; or (c) your reliance on or use of the information provided in an Alert for any purpose. Alert Information. As Alerts delivered via SMS, email and push notifications are not encrypted, we will never include your passcode or full account number. You acknowledge and agree that Alerts may not be encrypted and may include your name and some information about your accounts, and anyone with access to your Alerts will be able to view the contents of these messages. Privacy and User Information – Data Analytics. You acknowledge that in connection with your use of Mobile Banking, Carolina Federal Credit Union and its affiliates and service providers, including Fiserv, Inc. and its affiliates, may receive data about your usage of the service (such as session length, number of transactions and geolocation), and other data and information provided by you or from other sources in connection with Mobile Banking or the Software. Carolina Federal Credit Union and its affiliates and service providers will maintain reasonable safeguards to protect the information from unauthorized disclosure or use, but reserve the right to use and disclose this information as reasonably necessary to deliver Mobile Banking, perform analytics to improve the service, and as otherwise permitted by law, including compliance with court orders or lawful instructions from a government agency, to protect the personal safety of subscribers or the public, to defend claims, and as otherwise authorized by you. Fingerprint Login for Mobile Banking Fingerprint Login is an optional fingerprint sign-in method for Carolina Federal Credit Union Mobile Banking that may be available for certain Android® mobile devices that have a built-in fingerprint scanner. To use Fingerprint Login, you will need to first save your fingerprint on your mobile device (for more help with fingerprint scanning, contact the manufacturer that supports your mobile device). Fingerprints are stored on your device only and Carolina Federal Credit Union never sees or stores your fingerprint information. You acknowledge that by enabling Fingerprint Login, you will allow anyone who has a fingerprint stored on your device access to your personal and payment account information within Carolina Federal Credit Union Mobile Banking. Carolina Federal Credit Union reserves the right to suspend or disable this feature at any time. Fingerprint Login can only be associated with one Mobile Banking username at a time on a device. If your device does not recognize your fingerprint, you can sign in using your standard login credentials (e.g. password). To use Fingerprint Login for Mobile Banking on multiple devices, you will need to set it up for each device. You can enable or disable Fingerprint Login anytime within Carolina Federal Credit Union Mobile Banking. Android is a trademark of Google Inc. Card Management Additional Terms The card management feature is offered by CAROLINA FEDERAL CREDIT UNION (referred to herein as “Card Controls”, “us”, “we” or “our”) for use by CAROLINA FEDERAL CREDIT UNION cardholders. CAROLINA FEDERAL CREDIT UNION’s card management feature is intended to allow You to initiate certain payment card related activities for Your enrolled CAROLINA FEDERAL CREDIT UNION card(s) via the card management feature. Those activities may include the ability to but not limited to: • Register the card • Activate and deactivate the card • Set control preferences for card usage including location, transaction, and merchant types, spend limits, and card on/off (“Controls”) • Set alert preferences for card usage including location, transaction, and merchant types, spend limits, and declined purchases (“Alerts”) • View transaction history including cleansed and enriched merchant information (e.g., merchant name, address, and contact information) • Report Your card as lost or stolen • Review Your spending by merchant type and/or by month • View a list of merchants storing Your card information for recurring or card-on-file payments The card management feature may enable access to CAROLINA FEDERAL CREDIT UNION and third parties’ services and web sites, including GPS locator websites, such as Google. Use of such services may require internet access and that You accept additional terms and conditions applicable thereto, including, with respect to Google maps, those terms and conditions of use found at Html and the Google Legal Notices found at, or such other URLs as may be updated by Google. To the extent the card management feature allows You to access third party services, CAROLINA FEDERAL CREDIT UNION and those third parties, as applicable, reserve the right to change, suspend, remove, limit, or disable access to any of those services at any time without notice and without liability to You. You agree to allow us to communicate with You via push notification, SMS and/or email, with respect to the activities performed via the card management feature. Data fees may be imposed by Your mobile provider for the transmission and receipt of messages and Alerts. CAROLINA FEDERAL CREDIT UNION reserves the right to send administrative and service notifications via emails and/or SMS messages to the email address and/or phone number provided upon enrollment in CAROLINA FEDERAL CREDIT UNION’s card management feature. Availability/Interruption. You acknowledge that the actual time between occurrence of an event (“Event”) triggering a selected Control or Alert and the time the notification of such event is sent to Your mobile device (“Notification”) is dependent on a number of factors including, without limitation, Your wireless service and coverage within the area in which You are located at that time. You acknowledge that Notifications of Events may be delayed, experience delivery failures, or face other transmission problems. Similarly, selection of Controls and Alerts (collectively, “Commands”) are likewise affected by the same or similar factors and problems could arise with use of Commands. Notifications of Events may not be available to be sent to Your mobile device in all areas. If You registered to receive Notifications to Your mobile device, the card management feature is available when You have Your mobile device within the operating range of a wireless carrier with an appropriate signal for data services. The card management feature is subject to transmission limitations and service interruptions. CAROLINA FEDERAL CREDIT UNION does not guarantee that the card management feature (or any portion thereof) will be available at all times or in all areas. You acknowledge and agree that certain functionality with the card management feature may not be available for all transactions. Commands based upon the location of the mobile device where the card management feature is installed or the location of the merchant where the card is being attempted for use may not apply appropriately to card-not-present transactions or transactions where the location of the actual location of the merchant differs from the merchant’s registered address. You acknowledge and agree that neither CAROLINA FEDERAL CREDIT UNION nor its third-party services providers (including the developer of the technology enabling the Notifications) are responsible for performance degradation, interruption or delays due to conditions outside of its control. You acknowledge that neither CAROLINA FEDERAL CREDIT UNION nor its third-party service providers shall be liable to You if You are unable to receive Notifications on Your mobile device in Your intended area. CAROLINA FEDERAL CREDIT UNION, for itself and its third-party service providers, disclaims all liability for: any delays, mis-delivery, loss, or failure in the delivery of any Notification; any form of active or passive filtering.